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Seamless integration with GitHub Dependabot

Maximize your repository's potential with our platform's seamless GitHub Dependabot integration, offering real-time security and health insights for your entire codebase.

  • • Automatically pull in data to track vulnerabilities and updates
  • • Prioritize and address security concerns efficiently
  • • Gain unparalleled visibility and control, fortifying your projects
  • • Secure your development environment

Strategic CVE Management: High-Impact Fixes

Discover the power of focused security enhancement with our High-Impact CVEs listing. This carefully curated list highlights the most critical vulnerabilities within multiple repositories, guiding developers and security teams to prioritize fixes that yield the highest security benefits.

  • • By targeting these pivotal CVEs, you can amplify your security measures
  • • Promotes a culture of proactive, strategic security practices.
  • • Embrace collective action against cyber threats, elevating your security landscape

Optimize Your Security Posture with Dynamic Repository Rankings

Boost your security strategy with our Repository Rankings feature, offering key insights into your repositories' security performance. Discover the Most Valuable, Most Favored, Riskiest Repositories, those with the Highest Open CVE Count, and the Most Neglected.

  • • Target critical areas for immediate improvement
  • • Streamline resource allocation to fortify your defenses
  • • Elevate your security practices with clear visibility
  • • Make strategic decisions to enhance your project's security posture

Comprehensive Security Insights

Enhance your project's security with our Latest CVEs and Dashboard Summaries. Get real-time CVE updates to protect your software repositories effectively. Quickly spot and address security vulnerabilities to maintain project integrity.

  • • The Dashboard Summary gives a clear view of your security status
  • • Enabling swift prioritization and action
  • • Our tool offers a strategic defense against threats
  • • Ensuring proactive and informed security management

Many, Many other Features

Our platform enhances cybersecurity with real-time monitoring and automated remediation. It provides vulnerability overviews, repository rankings, and insights, all integrated with GitHub Dependabot for up-to-date patches and precise vulnerability data.

  • • Our risk scoring and advisory aggregation offer a comprehensive security overview
  • • Quick access to critical data, summary reports, and an intuitive dashboard
  • • Anvilytics streamlines the management of security issues


Boost your project's security with our advanced analytics and security features, including dependency management, vulnerability analysis, and license compliance. Our platform empowers developers with essential insights for proactive, informed decision-making.



  • Supports up to 50 Repositories
  • Identifies CVE's
  • Integrates with Github
  • Full History Storage



  • Supports up to 100 Repositories
  • Identifies CVE's
  • Integrates with Github
  • Full History Storage



  • Supports up to 500 Repositories
  • Identifies CVE's
  • Integrates with Github
  • Full History Storage
  • Slack Integration